APP Crime Stoppers - SOS Button and Anonymous Complaintsystem System of Citizen Denunciation and Alert that allows users to be connected between
APP Crime Stoppers - SOS Button and Anonymous Complaints
Community Citizen Denunciation and Alert System that allows users to be connected to each other and with local authorities.
Complaints are anonymous and relief requests allow to visualize only the authority already high the telephone number and the mail.
The system allows:
* Report criminal events attaching photo, location, type of crime/incident and a description.
* Share complaints with social networks.
* Visualize complaints and aid events generated by other users.
* Comment on complaints made.
* Read the comments of the other members of the community, as well as those issued by the Municipal Authority.
* Press an emergency button (SOS) to request immediate assistance from the authorities via the Internet and its 3 emergency contacts via SMS.
* Receive notifications and alerts from the authorities of the selected municipalities, and interact on them.